Seven ways to take a leap of courage this year.


Do you have the courage to bring forth the treasures that are hidden within you?

Elizabeth Gilbert

It is funny when the word creative arrives in the stratosphere, we can start to heave from the pressure. When I introduce myself as a creative, straight away people either identify with that word with polar opposite reactions.

“Yes I am creative.” or “No I am not creative”

The word itself is laden with images, meaning, and innuendo. Often the word creative identifies actually with the medium of creativity itself. Like; “Painter, Artist, Musician, Writer, Dancer and the list goes on and on.”

Innovation and Creativity is more about us finding our voice. When we start to speak through different mediums of innovation. What we need more than creativity is courage. What if the word creativity was replaced with the word courage or brave?

When researching this word recently I found that the word brave means;

“to show courage” and “to endure or face unpleasant conditions or behaviours without fear”

When we take leaps of courage we find our voice. I personally struggle with people pleasing and avoidance issues when it comes to pain. If something involves conflict with people or when pain arises my brave leaves the building. Every time though I find my voice in these areas of my life, I find myself more inspired.

When I am more inspired, I am seeking the new, the colourful and the opportunity in my tomorrow. This is the beautiful power of creative innovation. It provokes a courage leap to try something new.

When we bring resolve to some of the dialogues hiding in the back of our minds, something shifts. Our brave story brings perspective and we are moved into a new space. What if you avoidance of creativity, is actually about fear or courage?

Here are seven things I am taking courage leaps in this season, to help me find my voice for my tomorrow.

Book those appointments we have been putting off

The dentist scares me, I think about the fact that I need to book a dentist appointment often. I have written it on my task list, I have it written on the bottom of my family calendar and I ignore it. This year I am telling myself that I need to be brave about booking those appointments that I have been putting off. You know those appointments. They have come straight to your mind as you are reading my words. The pap smear, the mammogram, the skin check and the worst, the dentist. Every time we prioritise the urgent over the important it impacts our future. What if we together make a commitment to book those appointments we have been ignoring?

Have that conversation we have been hiding from

Lately, I have been thinking about a conversation that I need to start with someone but have been putting off. Have you ever had that incessant inner dialogue? We can so easily put off the painful to skip conflict but you know what the emotion resurfaces in other places. This year let’s together be brave and start conversations that matter.

Begin that project that we have been procrastinating on

Yesterday I began chapter one of my next book. I often have people ask how to write a book. My answer is often very simple. Begin. And if you get stuck, ask for help. Each of my four books came chapter by chapter day by day edit by edit. Coffee after coffee. Last night I was chatting with my husband about my book writing. It was a vulnerable, open moment I said “Babe, I have come to the place where I know my writing is not a best seller. In fact, there are many parts of my previous publications that I feel embarrassed about. But I am in the arena. I am having a go and I am daring greatly.” No one will ever say of my life, that I didn’t have a go. What are you waiting for?

Ask a friend for accountability

One of the most exciting parts of my new rhythm for this year is the accountability group I have set up online. Each year I retreat with people and we talk about change, goals, disappointments and regrets. The year goes by and only a small few I have been able to catch up with regularly to see the progression of these goals. This online group I have opened up to all my clients this year is probably the most exciting thing I have done in years. It is an encouragement circle that helps the group move forward. Who helps you be accountable to the brave steps you need to take in your life?

Write down the list of things we have been wanting to change but having been not willing to admit

Are their hidden whispers of ideas that stay hidden in your heart? One of the greatest ways to be brave is to put those ideas on paper. To meet up with someone like I do with people in one on one sessions and write a list of things that you want to change. Admitting the quiet, hidden thoughts can be the bravest thing we ever do.

Show up

Have you ever gotten an invite to something and you have put it away straight away from fear? Have you been invited to something or wanted to attend an event like the Inspire Collective our quarterly gathering in Perth that brings people together to hang?

This year if we want to change, we need to be brave enough to show up at those events that we would normally dismiss quickly out of fear.

Start the study, apply for that job and reinvent our story

This header is pretty self-explanatory but… Start the study, apply for the job and reinvent the story. This takes big brave steps. Steps that often are done with fear and trembling. When we apply, when we fill in the form, we activate the shift in our the season for the change we have been waiting for. Start.

What do you need to take a courage leap with this year?

I absolutely believe these brave steps will unlock your creativity in a way you have never experienced before. Let’s find some resolve together and grow into a people who love ourselves and our voice with courage.

Speak again soon

Amanda Marie

About Amanda

Amanda Viviers has published ten books and is a presenter on radio across New Zealand and Australia. She is also the co-founder of Kinwomen; a network created to inspire women to start conversations that matter. Head of Narrative for Compassion Australia, she is driven by a passion for social justice, she loves supporting projects for women in developing countries. Teaching women to live creative lives, beyond the circumstances, is something she pursues daily. Wife of Charl and Mum of Maximus and Liberty, she lives a creative life, longing to see people live inspired. Pinterest/ Twitter/ @Mandaviviers Instagram: @amandaviviers Facebook: @amandaviviersperth