Signing Off From The Show

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“A pretentious, showy life is an empty life; a plain and simple life is a full life.” Rick Warren

Most weeks I contemplate signing off from being on social media. I dream of the unplugged life. I breathe in the fresh awakening of doing something that I do not tell anyone. I think what it would be like to have a completely “private” year.

No announcements.
No birthday posts.
No selfies, taken in the bathroom.
No new friends found online.

I think about signing off from the show. The pretentiousness of it all, the pursuit of followers and significance found in my latest writing and offering.

I remember what it was like to meet someone for the first time and never knowing anything about them. The stalk free life. It is not all bad, and that is why I often talk myself out of disconnecting.

Our online media spaces are potent opportunities for discovering knowledge, inspiration and hope. I spend time looking for ways to inspire people to live a life that is surrendered and purposeful.

Thessalonians 4: 11 says;

To make it our ambition to lead a quiet life.

Rick Warren says it this way:

“A pretentious, showy life is an empty life; a plain and simple life is a full life.”

In the midst of our culture today “How can we find significance in the midst of a culture that promotes ego and self-satisfaction as the goal?”

What makes you feel significant?
What answers do you have to live a plain, simple but full life?

The answers to these very questions are the fruit required to live a full life. Personally, I have found the answer to this is always discovered with my pen in hand, writing in a journal in the midst of quiet, reminding myself once again what truly matters in life.


About Amanda

Amanda Viviers has published ten books and is a presenter on radio across New Zealand and Australia. She is also the co-founder of Kinwomen; a network created to inspire women to start conversations that matter. Head of Narrative for Compassion Australia, she is driven by a passion for social justice, she loves supporting projects for women in developing countries. Teaching women to live creative lives, beyond the circumstances, is something she pursues daily. Wife of Charl and Mum of Maximus and Liberty, she lives a creative life, longing to see people live inspired. Pinterest/ Twitter/ @Mandaviviers Instagram: @amandaviviers Facebook: @amandaviviersperth